Saturday, December 22, 2018

Term 4 Week 10 @Matuangaru Spotlight

Tena kotou katoa!

Week 10, the final week of Term 4 2018 has arrived. While we continued to take ownership of our magnificent brand new school, some tradesmen still finished up their tasks. We really enjoy having Joseph around who looks after the property, a super helpful and happy person. Thanks to Kate and Anoushka, we have a lovingly decorated Christmas tree in our Whare hui (staff room) which gives it a homely feel, indeed. This week saw us summarising, finalising and sharing back many of our projects as well as strategically looking forward to Term 1 2019.


We started the week off by reflecting on our Whanau Focus Group event and on the feedback we received from our
amazing parent community. We could sense the excitement among our future learners and their parents and we are
thrilled that many aspects of our learning design and strategies are in alignment with what parents foresee and wish
for their children’s education.

During this week, our Learning Coaches have visited some of our future learners in their current educational setting
and had a chat with their current teacher. We are mindful to ease the transition for our learners and we do our utmost
to getting to know our learners and be prepared for their arrival in Term 1 2019.

We have been busy designing introduction letters to our future Hapu learners which will be sent out n mid January.
Further, Wendy, Kirstin and Diana informed the team about ordered resources which will arrive after the holiday break.
We also reviewed budgets for next year as well as determined who are the budget holders. We talked about
guidelines which will serve budget holders successfully working together and ensuring that resources are purposeful,
appropriate and connected within the school. During a feedback and sharing session, all project groups reported
about their progress and the action they have been taking during this term. Moreover, our Whare Hāpori (Library)
team engaged into another AccessIt Training. Engaging with our future learners and their parents, Diana, Kirstin and
Wendy continued Whanau (family) enrolment interviews throughout the week.

Also, during this week, we celebrated Kirstin's Birthday - Happy Birthday, Kirstin.


Now is the time that all our learning from visiting schools comes to fruition. We clearly remember the advice we were
given by Mike Anderson emphasising that the hard systems need to match the soft systems. While we did not have
input in the design of the building, it is still up to us to select spaces and furniture and match these with our soft
building blocks (aka our learning design building blocks). This involves some deliberation among the team which also
means furniture gets moved back and forth until we reach the “Eureka” moment and we’ll know it is going to work.
In our Kāinga, we have decided and finalised the footprint-layout. In the new year we will do the fun part and hang out
signs, labels and decoration so our home away from home will be inviting, appealing and charm our learners
from Day 1. We also spent a considerable amount of time on forming, shaping and molding our learning design for
Term 1 “Ko wai au? Ko wai tātou?→ Who am I? Who are we?”.

On Thursday Diana surprised us with some hilarious presentations which she produced with the help of JIBJAB .
These display the team singing and dancing which got us cracking up laughing. Some of us were a little jealous that
we do not have these skills in real life. (Please note - these will not play, we leave that to your imagination.)



We continued to negotiate the fine detail in our MATES and with that constructed our collaboratively agreed norms
owned by all involved. Working closely together requires a shared understanding and we want to ensure we know
how we can support each other to be our best self every day. Additionally, we reviewed the A-Z handbook and
double-checked that the listed information is agreed and acknowledged by all. Also, we co-constructed our Whare hui
(staff room) and resource room norms.

Diana, Kirstin and Michael have done a brilliant job in designing the frame of our Kāinga websites and deciding
what information will be displayed in which sub-page. This sets us up for consistency between the Kāinga and
surely our virtual visitors will appreciate this.

Diana, Kirstin and Kate have been sifting and sorting through the numerous learning progressions listed on LincEd
and identified learning progressions that are relevant for the ubiquitous learning pathway for our future learners.

Jenny and the team from New Era have been really busy to set up all the digital devices.

Having engaged in our professional learning badging throughout the term, Week 10 was the home stretch in this
project. Kelly has been the leader on the badging board for a long time but others have slowly caught up and
therefore it remained open to the very last day who is winning this competition in Term 4 2018. Congratulation to Kelly
and Kate for being our first badging winners. They both scored the same amount of points. Again, a big thank you to
Michael and Kirstin for designing such a brilliant system to engage in professional learning. Of course, we will
continue to badge in 2019.

Throughout the week presents appeared under our Christmas tree. Yasmin, our incredible social committee person,
organised  a Secret Santa and that meant that we all had a present to open on Thursday during our final Christmas
gathering. The Learning coaches really went the extra mile and gifted thoughtful presents to our very hard working
deputy princesses and our awesome principal. #Dreamteam

We wish all our virtual visitors, readers, future learners and their parents and our friends a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  
What's coming up:

  • Resources
  • Whare Hāpori setting up resources
  • Assessment Focus: modelling and practice
  • Linc Ed and Progressions: training
  • PB4L - Kahui Values Design

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Term 4 Week 9 @MatuaNgaru Spotlight

Tena kotou katua!

Week 9 has come and gone. We can't believe how quickly this term has went, but it must be because we've been working so hard and having so much fun making our school the amazing place it's going to be!

After having spent the end of week 8 on retreat, we have forged stronger bonds on our team and are getting down to lots of work that will have a direct impact on our teaching and learning in 2019.


Week 9 was a week where a lot of our curiosity was piqued because on Tuesday morning we officially started moving in to the new space. Though there is still a good amount of work to be finished, we're very excited with the new space and can't wait to get it ready for our new learners! We've spent lots of time learning how everything works and exploring the new spaces, all the while discussing the wonderful learning opportunities we can provide in our new building.

We have also been spending a lot of time developing our curriculum maps for term 1. These will serve as an outline of the learning experiences we will provide for our first ten weeks. Our two Kāinga teams have been discussing all of the different things together and fitting everything into our overarching theme for the term, which is  Ko wai au? Ko wai tātou?→  Who am I?  Who are we?


At the very end of the week, on Saturday, we were excited to have a Whanau Focus Group in our new building, which afforded us the chance to not only share our vision for both innovative assessment, Te Ao Māori, Te Reo Māori and Tikanga Māori at MNS and get feedback on those aspects of our school, but it also allowed us a chance to share the building with our new learners alongside their families and whanau. It was a great day with lots of positive conversations and many excited faces!


Another bonus of moving in to the new space was that a lot of the resources we have ordered have arrived. We have spent a portion of our time this past week, unboxing and sorting some of our new resources that will enable us to deliver high quality teaching and learning. Seen here are the 15 Sphero Bolt robots which will be a part of our STEAM program at MNS.

We have also been working diligently to develop a number of inquiry processes that we will use for our Transdisciplinary Projects. We recognise that not all inquiries are the same and that each one will require a different approach. So far we have identified: a research inquiry, a scientific investigation, a statistical inquiry, a field study, a design thinking process and a few other ones. We're excited to refine these and then put them into action in 2019!


One of the first things we did when we moved into the new space was to put our learner wall up. We use this as a way to start to get to know our learners so that on day 1 we know as many names as we can. It was also a popular stopping point on our tour of the school on Saturday.

Most of the week was spent in our Kāinga teams. We have been working on our MATES agreements (which are put in place to help us through the difficult bits of teamwork) and have been having a lot of discussions about how to use the advantages of our unique school (the amazing spaces, the incredible educators and our future outstanding learners).

We also spent some time early in the week, discussing our as-yet-to-be-named approach to PB4L (Positive Behaviour For Learning). We have had some great discussions and are beginning to define our systems so that we can teach, encourage and acknowledge behaviours that promote positive relationships and thus learning.

We also had the privilege of meeting with the Arohanui team which will be working on site and began some discussions as to not only how we can use each others' strengths to serve all of our learners, but also how our learners might work together to enhance everyones' educational experiences.

As the calendar approaches 2019 we are getting more and more excited. The idea of starting a new school became very real this past week and many great ideas that have been discussed over the past months (and more than a year for some of us) are starting to crystallise. It's not an easy journey and there will certainly be some bumps along the road, but we have an incredible team and the future is certainly looking bright!

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Term 4 - Week 8 @MatuaNgaru Spotlight

Tēnā koutou katoa! A Wild Week 8 .it was...

We have had a wonderful week together. Curriculum, teaching in the Huapai District School Flexible Learning Spaces and our amazing collaborative retreat with Te Uho o te Nikau Primary School were the highlights. It has been an affirming week as well and we met with 5 more families. We are growing bigger ever week!

We are anxiously awaiting moving in to our new school next week. Handover is expected on Tuesday. We are also looking forward to hosting our next Whanau Focus Group next Saturday, December 15 from 2-3pm - details to come via Facebook and email for enrolled families.


On Monday and Wednesday we worked on developing our curriculum. It is shaping up beautifully and we are designing a model to make it visible and cognitively portable. Diana met with the Establishment Board of Trustees for lunch on Wednesday to celebrate our epic establishment year. We also made a decision to move our official opening to the 30th of January as this is the first day of school for James Le Marquand, his team and their learners from Arohanui Special School. We will begin the day with an official welcoming from our mana whenua partners and follow that with our first of two Open Days for our learners. The Open Day will enable our tamariki and their whanau to spend some time in their spaces and hang out with our awesome team of educators. More details will come via Facebook and email.

On Tuesday, our team worked in the flexible learning spaces at Huapai District School and made a lot of wonderful noticings and even connected with a few of our future learners. The highlight of this week was of course the amazing retreat at Vaughn Park in Long Bay. Our team reveled in the opportunity to connect with and collaborate with the team of ten from Te Uho o te Nikau. We began the retreat with a collaborative scavenger hunt and some speed dating to get everyone talking.

Then Mel Bland, Principal of Te Uho o te Nikau Primary School and our very own Di swapped teams to share our journey to date. Other activities included a Smackdown of innovative pedagogies, a World Cafe on collaborative practices, a session on Play Based Learning with Heike (aka Play Guru), Bonnie and Eva, some Tinker Time facilitated by Michael and Kate and an Appy Hour of wonderful digital technologies. There was also time for some fun and games including a Riff Off (a singing competition) and the epic Quiz Night hosted by Wendy and Kirstin. We are looking forward to connecting with the wonderful Te Nikau again in the new year when we get to visit each other's kura.


Wendy and Amanda began training with AccessIt which is the software that we will use in Whare Hapori- our future focused library. They are in the process of stamping all of the books that we have procured to date and eagerly await the scanner and bar codes to begin accessioning our initial collection. We have also had one of our wonderful parents begin to collect some previously loved books from families in the area for our collection- we wonder what great reads there will be?! We also did some work with Jenny and Del from the Ministry of Education again on our approach to PB4L. We are thinking of calling it our 'Kahui Character' program as it will involve identifying and teaching our expectations for learning in our school with a system to support all learners to reach these. We will use a tuakana-teina approach in our weekly Kahui Character time where our tamariki are places in one of our four school wide vertical groups named after our learning values - Curious, Collaborative, Creative and Communicative to learn, practice and apply these expectations. We will also revisit them as needed within our hapu (aka: guardian or home group). We are looking forward to further developments of this when they return next Monday.


Michael got our creative juices flowing with a session on designing rituals to build our school culture. Four very special ideas are germinating.

There is also some exciting work being lead by our team of learning coaches with our interactive turangawaewae map and their projects (supported by Wendy and Kirstin):
  • Hauora at Matua Ngaru- Heike, Nush & Yasmin
  • Travelwise - Yasmin & Wendy
  • Whare Hapori - Wendy, Kate & Kelly
  • Kahui Character - Heike, Wendy
  • Te Ao Maori - Amy & Heike
  • Enviro - Amy, Nush & Wendy + STEAM- Michael, Kirstin, Kelly & Kate (combining where appropriate)
  • Linc-Ed Progressions - Kate and Kirstin
  • Digital Ecosystem - Kirstin
  • Sports & Clubs - Amy, Nush & Kate
  • Digital Citizenship - Yasmin, Kate and Kelly
We continue to connect with our families in our Whanau Interviews and can't wait to lead learning with them in 2019.

What's coming up:
*** relocating to our wonderful school on Tuesday - thank you to Huapai District School!
*** PB4L part 3 with Jenny and Del on Monday
*** Spotless Induction on Thursday
*** Meeting the Arohanui team on Thursday
*** 12 more whanau interviews (and counting!)
*** Whanau Focus Group: Assessment, Strategy, Curriculum and Te Reo & Tikanga Maori
*** ENROL Training on Wednesday
*** AccessIt Training on Monday
*** NZSL with Margaret Patrick on Friday
*** 3 birthday girls: Yasmin, Anoushka & Kirstin
*** end of year xmas BBQ
*** and a whole lot more! eg. Curriculum, Assessment, Projects, Kainga set up

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Term 4 - Week 7 @MatuaNgaru Spotlight

Tēnā koutou katoa!
Week 7

What an action-packed week this has been! And, to top it off, we’ve been lucky to have lots of opportunities to work on site at our school and get a feel for the spaces. As with any kind of learning, the 4C’s have been ubiquitously woven through our week which was full of collaboration, communication, curiosity and creativity!


On Monday, we started off the day by sharing our ‘Blind date with a Book’ professional reading summaries. We got to present our summaries and hear a snippet about how each of these books would help us extend our practice.
Some examples of the books were “Teach like a Pirate” - Dave Burgess, “Play like a Pirate” - Quinn Rollins, “The sacred urge to play” - Pennie Brownlee with Kimberley Crisp and “Mindset” - Dr Carol S. Dweck, just to name a few! We then spent the afternoon with Crispin from Microsoft, getting to know our Microsoft Surface Pros and how to maximise their usage. The possibilities are endless!

On Tuesday, the lovely staff at Huapai District School allowed us to shadow them until Lunchtime, to let us get a feel for the ILE workspace. We were able to pick their brains about what works and what doesn't and how best to move forward and learn from their experiences. We talked about the importance of providing various provocations and the value of play-based learning. We all walked away with tonnes of new ideas and ponderings about how to move forward.


Wednesday morning had the entire staff meeting Te Kahui-iti and Te Rongopai from our local iwi, Ngati Whatua, at Maukatia Bay by Muriwai for a Hikoi to understand the history of the land and the journey of the mana whenua. It was an enlightening morning that allowed us to connect with the land. We then drove further North to Helensville or Te Awaroa (The Valley of the Long River) to see the serpentine river from up above.
It is truly an honour to be able to have a strong connection to the land and its history from the moment we open the doors to our new school.

Thursday brought on a very busy but exciting day! First, Jenny and Del from the Ministry of Education came to talk to us about PB4L (Positive Behaviour 4 Learning) and how it will benefit our learner. A wonderful picnic was organised on Thursday afternoon to allow the New Entrant learners from the community to come and meet the Matua Ngaru Crew. Lots of fun and games were organised and we even had a great view of our new school as a backdrop to the event. It was such an exciting time, getting to know some of the community and allowing the learners to break the nerves of starting in a new place with new people. This was followed by a Curiosity Quencher that allowed any families and whānau that are curious about our school, to learn about our kura, ask questions and meet some of the Learning Coaches.


Jason from Mindkits kindly joined us for a few hours on Friday and introduced us to the world of Robotics using these nifty little Edison robots. A number of us have used different types of robots in the past but Edison was new to us all. It was a lot of fun and we were able to be creative with the codes we put in to see whether the robots would follow what we were trying to do. So much to learn with these little machines. We used a whole lot of collaboration, communication and curiosity to make them work.

What a great way to end such an amazing week. There are some very exciting times ahead and after this week, it's fair to say the whole community can feel the buzz.