We have had a wonderful week together. Curriculum, teaching in the Huapai District School Flexible Learning Spaces and our amazing collaborative retreat with Te Uho o te Nikau Primary School were the highlights. It has been an affirming week as well and we met with 5 more families. We are growing bigger ever week!
We are anxiously awaiting moving in to our new school next week. Handover is expected on Tuesday. We are also looking forward to hosting our next Whanau Focus Group next Saturday, December 15 from 2-3pm - details to come via Facebook and email for enrolled families.
We are anxiously awaiting moving in to our new school next week. Handover is expected on Tuesday. We are also looking forward to hosting our next Whanau Focus Group next Saturday, December 15 from 2-3pm - details to come via Facebook and email for enrolled families.
On Monday and Wednesday we worked on developing our curriculum. It is shaping up beautifully and we are designing a model to make it visible and cognitively portable. Diana met with the Establishment Board of Trustees for lunch on Wednesday to celebrate our epic establishment year. We also made a decision to move our official opening to the 30th of January as this is the first day of school for James Le Marquand, his team and their learners from Arohanui Special School. We will begin the day with an official welcoming from our mana whenua partners and follow that with our first of two Open Days for our learners. The Open Day will enable our tamariki and their whanau to spend some time in their spaces and hang out with our awesome team of educators. More details will come via Facebook and email.
On Tuesday, our team worked in the flexible learning spaces at Huapai District School and made a lot of wonderful noticings and even connected with a few of our future learners. The highlight of this week was of course the amazing retreat at Vaughn Park in Long Bay. Our team reveled in the opportunity to connect with and collaborate with the team of ten from Te Uho o te Nikau. We began the retreat with a collaborative scavenger hunt and some speed dating to get everyone talking.
Then Mel Bland, Principal of Te Uho o te Nikau Primary School and our very own Di swapped teams to share our journey to date. Other activities included a Smackdown of innovative pedagogies, a World Cafe on collaborative practices, a session on Play Based Learning with Heike (aka Play Guru), Bonnie and Eva, some Tinker Time facilitated by Michael and Kate and an Appy Hour of wonderful digital technologies. There was also time for some fun and games including a Riff Off (a singing competition) and the epic Quiz Night hosted by Wendy and Kirstin. We are looking forward to connecting with the wonderful Te Nikau again in the new year when we get to visit each other's kura.
Wendy and Amanda began training with AccessIt which is the software that we will use in Whare Hapori- our future focused library. They are in the process of stamping all of the books that we have procured to date and eagerly await the scanner and bar codes to begin accessioning our initial collection. We have also had one of our wonderful parents begin to collect some previously loved books from families in the area for our collection- we wonder what great reads there will be?! We also did some work with Jenny and Del from the Ministry of Education again on our approach to PB4L. We are thinking of calling it our 'Kahui Character' program as it will involve identifying and teaching our expectations for learning in our school with a system to support all learners to reach these. We will use a tuakana-teina approach in our weekly Kahui Character time where our tamariki are places in one of our four school wide vertical groups named after our learning values - Curious, Collaborative, Creative and Communicative to learn, practice and apply these expectations. We will also revisit them as needed within our hapu (aka: guardian or home group). We are looking forward to further developments of this when they return next Monday.
There is also some exciting work being lead by our team of learning coaches with our interactive turangawaewae map and their projects (supported by Wendy and Kirstin):
- Hauora at Matua Ngaru- Heike, Nush & Yasmin
- Travelwise - Yasmin & Wendy
- Whare Hapori - Wendy, Kate & Kelly
- Kahui Character - Heike, Wendy
- Te Ao Maori - Amy & Heike
- Enviro - Amy, Nush & Wendy + STEAM- Michael, Kirstin, Kelly & Kate (combining where appropriate)
- Linc-Ed Progressions - Kate and Kirstin
- Digital Ecosystem - Kirstin
- Sports & Clubs - Amy, Nush & Kate
- Digital Citizenship - Yasmin, Kate and Kelly
We continue to connect with our families in our Whanau Interviews and can't wait to lead learning with them in 2019.
What's coming up:
*** relocating to our wonderful school on Tuesday - thank you to Huapai District School!
*** PB4L part 3 with Jenny and Del on Monday
*** Spotless Induction on Thursday
*** Meeting the Arohanui team on Thursday
*** 12 more whanau interviews (and counting!)
*** Whanau Focus Group: Assessment, Strategy, Curriculum and Te Reo & Tikanga Maori
*** ENROL Training on Wednesday
*** AccessIt Training on Monday
*** NZSL with Margaret Patrick on Friday
*** 3 birthday girls: Yasmin, Anoushka & Kirstin
*** end of year xmas BBQ
*** and a whole lot more! eg. Curriculum, Assessment, Projects, Kainga set up
Running tinker time with Michael was so fun! If any of our future MNS learners would like to have a go at making the paper circuits or e-textile badges that we made on the retreat come and find me on one of our open days in January and we I'll show you how :)
ReplyDeleteOr just grab the materials off me, watch these videos, and do it yourself!
Paper circuit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=10&v=C88JUVXSzKo
Such a good retreat. Well done to Michael, Kate, and Heike for running some awesome activities - Really enjoyed making my series circuit.
ReplyDeleteI also really enjoyed getting in work at Huapai primary with Amy and Michael - get some practice in before 2019 #teampopoto
Enjoyed reading the blog