Spotless and I have made huge progress with our FF&E. The furniture types and quantities have been decided and James and I had a colour meeting with Spotless and ACG Architects to decide on the colour schemes for our learning zones as well.
Learning highlights:
It was wonderful to visit Riverhead, Huapai District School, Taupaki and Waimauku schools. These schools all share a 'school zone' border with Matua Ngaru and it is important for me to begin forging a relationship of collabroation with each. Kris, John, Pete and Gary were very welcoming and open in our discussions and I am confident we have begun with a positive connection. In addition to meeting with the local school principals and touring their kura, I also had the opportunity to visit two Microsoft schools to see how they use the MS365 apps. Hill Park is in the beginning stages of their use and Opaheke is a Microsoft Model School, well entrenched in their use of the platform. I can see a lot of potential for us to use these in our multi-platform school, particularly with the older learners and our staff and the absolute potential for Minecraft EDU is powerful. I can't wait to learn more and design ways for integration into our curriculum design and systems set up.
I also spent some time with James, principal at Arohanui Special School and an EBoT trustee, discussing how he envisions a learning support model could operate out of the Arohanui Hub on our shared campus. His plans are exciting as they would enable staff to support more learners with high learning needs more effectively but the model is awaiting approval. His work with Tracy Martin has been very fruitful and we will wait with anticipation to see if we can enact it at Matua Ngaru.
I can't believe that the term is coming to an end! I look back and see how much I have learned, and yet I look forward to see how much more there is to do. While overwhelmed at times I remain absolutely committed to and excited about setting up Matua Ngaru for our wonderful tamariki.
What's next?
- Google Summit (our whole team to attend in the break #DreamTeam!)
- NZEALs (in the break with Mel and Bev)
- NZAI PL (Kirstin to attend in my stead)
- Kirstin starts in week 1
- Wendy Starts in Week 3
- Auckland School Visit Extravaganza with Te Uho O Te Nikau in Week 7 & 8
- Rototuna Principal PLG
- WAPA Reflective Practice PL
- The Learning Brain PL
- Next Practice PL (@OJC)
- IT procurement
- ERO visit #3
- and so much more ....
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